North BrunswickHumane Association
April Monthly Meeting (4/11/11)
7:30 pm ET
710 Hermann Road–NB Community Complex,

In Attendance: Michele Andrea, Jay Soloway, Vincent Sheehan, Linda Sheehan, Sandra Erickson, Erica Bundy, Eileen Lorner, Sharon Weinstein-Canavan, Lisa Coletta, Dan R. Smith, AnnMarie Walters, Claire Butkus, Jocelyn Caffrey, Jane Prestup, David Prestup, Brenda Sauer, Susan Garofalo, Jared Ansterlitz, Gail Bergstein, Gina Rojek, Donna Doherty, Diana Sichta, Johnny Michels, Lixangel Daniel, Heather Galdo, Silvia Estrada, Carol Paszament and Karen Marino.

The meeting was called to order at 7:42PM by Jay Soloway. The minutes from the March monthly meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Vincent Sheehan. The opening balance was $ 50,392.63with deposits and donations netting $1178.00 leaving a closing balance of $51,570.63.

Updates from March Meeting: 

  • Easter Bunny Photo Shoot at Katie’s Pet Depot- April 9thEileen & Vincent reported a profit of $220. Good Work Eileen and thanks to Tonya at Katie’s for coordinating. An article will be in this Thursday’s Sentinel with a photo of Charlie & the Easter Bunny.
  • Flea Market Event Update – (May 21st) Jay passed out sign up sheets so that signs can be placed 3 weeks in advance. He also passed out flyers to place into the local businesses.
  • North Brunswick Dog Park Bulletin Board– Gail Bergstein volunteered to be responsible for maintaining the bulletin board. Thanks Gail!
  • Dog/Cat Food Bank– Michele reported she fill a request with the Township for a non-manned telephone line for these requests. The question was raised as to how do we publicize the food bank? We will wait until we get the new tele # before reaching out to more communities through varies channels.
  • Spayed & Neutering Subsidy– Lisa reported she has been researching organizations that could provide low cost spayed & neutering. At the next meeting she will have something to present to the membership for a vote. Great work Lisa!
  • Educational Outreach Update – Ann Marie, Claire & Vincent- reported that the John Adams School donated $535 at the March 31st presentation. Future school bookings are Cornerstone Christian, Our Lady of Lourdes (Milltown), Livingston Park and Judd School. These future bookings are covered by members but we will be sending out a list of schools beyond these in which we will need people to be presenters.
  • Storage Facility- Jay- we are now with Access Storage we are getting a storage bin at no charge.
  • Donation Cans Update– Michele and Sandi will meet with Lewis Scheller Printing and use the format of the “Who we Are” and “What We Do” for our new design. There will be an emphasis in the design on Spayed & Neutering.
  • L’Oreal fundraiser in August 20thVincent & Jay- we have a table and we will need a Volunteer to coordinate the tabling event.
  • SeniorCatAdoptionDayUpdate-Eileen- Franklin Township has agreed to work with us on this program. A discussion ensued on the specifics around this program and Eileen was asked dot provide more structure.

New Business:

  • Donna Doherty Wags to Riches spoke about a Black Tie event to take place on May 1st at Katie’s Pet Depot to adopt Black & Black & White Cats which are the hardest to get adopted. The cats are coming from the Old Bridge Shelter.
  • Karen Marino and Gail Bergstein spoke about a shopping website for NBHA in which anyone using this web portal and purchasing products NBHA would receive the proceeds from the sale. They will send the board an email at micheandr7@aol.com with more detail.
  • Next Meeting is May 9th
  • The meeting adjourned at 9:05PM