North BrunswickHumane Association
February Monthly Meeting (2/14/10)

In Attendance: Michele Andrea, Jay Soloway, Vincent Sheehan, Linda Sheehan,  Erica Bundy, Gilda McCauley, Eileen Lorner, Sharon Weinstein-Canavan,Lisa Coletta, Dan R. Smith, Phillis Wallach, Claire Butkus,AnnMarie Walters, Katie Nordhaus, Jocelyn Caffrey, Jane Prestup and David Prestup.

The meeting was call to order by Jay Soloway at 7:30pm. The minutes from the January monthly meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer’s Report was reported by Vincent Sheehan – the previous balance of $50,392.63 was increased by $35 in deposits from donations and membership dues. Additionally, we received a Capitol One award check of $31 from credit card usage on the NBHA Capitol One Card. The ending balance is now $50,458.63.

  • Nomination of Officers- (President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer)

No one entered a nomination. We have moved this item to next month’s meeting and everyone was asked to think about holding one of the positions or bringing someone to the meeting who would be interested. There is no special skill set needed for any of the positions, just a desire and dedication.

  • Discussion on Revising By-Laws & Creation of a By-Law Committee

The Pros/Cons of term limits for officer positions was discussed. We will leave the revising of the By-Laws to Phillis Wallach, Claire Butkus, Jay Soloway, Vincent Sheehan & David Prestup who will serve on this committee.

  • Formalize the Process of the Dog/Cat Food Bank.
A discussion ensued regarding the list of ongoing recipients. Ann Marie and Claire (Committee Chairs) will verify & combine their individual list of recipients and frequency of donations and give to Michele. Michele will create one document and share accordingly. Ann Marie & Claire will organize the delivery assignments. Katie’s Pet Depot will be   used as a central food pickup & distribution point for the volunteers. The eligibility criterion for those receiving food subsidies was discussed. Annemarie & Claire indicated the original criteria stated the pets needed to be licensed, spayed /neutered.
  • Discussion on NBHA Spaying/Neutering Subsidy & the Creation of a Committee to formalize & execute a process.

If we don’t build a shelter everyone agreed we would use the money towards spaying/neutering subsidy, food bank, education and other services in the community.

Phillis will reach out in person to the Veterinarian Animal Hospitals in the area and see if they would work with us along with Animal Shelters to provide their services at a discounted rate. She will contact the American Animal Hospital Association as well. (Michele will provide Phillis with a list of the local Veterinarian Names)

  • Educational Outreach Committee

Annemarie and Claire head this committee. We want to expand our presence in providing Animal Welfare & Education in the local schools. The program generally starts at the end of March and through the month of April.  Phillis will reach out to the East Brunswick Education Foundation to see if there is any interest in the East Brunswick school system. Sandi recommended we contact the South Brunswick School system. They are having an Animal Month theme coming up. Jocelyn mentioned St Bartholomew as another school we might want to contact. We will be looking for volunteers to participate in this worth while committee. You would have to be available during the day time school hours Mondays-Fridays. The presentation would be provided to you; you just need to bring your enthusiasm.

  • Channel 15 (Community Cable Channel) presentation 

Mayor Womack offered the township’s community channel as another vehicle to reach out to the community and provide animal welfare & education. Michele contacted Lou Ann Benson at the Mayor’s request and we will work with her and her team to produce this program. Vince mentioned one of the segments could be interviewing a local Veterinarian about Spaying/Neutering. We are still working on the ideas and would welcome any input from the membership. Phillis mentioned the East Brunswick Community Channel might be another avenue.  She will get a contact name for Michele.

  • Flea Market Event

The membership has proposed to move forward with this event in the spring/summer timeframe. Michele will send out a Notice to the membership for volunteers for this event. The jobs will be Setup work and or Sales work. All interested parties will be asked to respond to Jay Soloway’s email address with job they are willing to do.

  • Membership Cards for Annual Renewals

NBHA membership cards will be ordered and issued as members renew. The cards would be mailed directly to the member home. If you do not have your address on your check or you pay in cash, please provide your mailing address with your payment.

  • Channel 15 Update

Uupdating of information pertaining to the association needs to be done. Michele will follow up on this item. For one, we need to remove the statement that food donations can be dropped off at the Township and insert drop off locations. Also, remove former board members names and telephone numbers and replace them with current interim board members names & telephone numbers.

  • NBHA Member “Can Do” List

The sheet was passed around and those in attendance were asked to enter their skills, interest, talents in support of the organization.

  •  The meeting Adjourned at 9:00pm